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Apparently I don’t have a interest in video games according to my dad a interest is something you can make money off of

submitted by Noahthestarwarfan to teenagers [link] [comments]

Dear video game industry, it seems as though Steam has proved to you that you can make money off of PC games, you just price them really high.

So if you hold sales frequently you too can make money. Please learn from Steam.
Love, Reddit
PS: E3 sucked.
EDIT PS PS: I'd say the majority of people who has bought a Steam game, or from any digital distributor, has pirated a game at one point or another. DRM is not the way to go.
submitted by kidkush to self [link] [comments]

What are some video games that you can make real money off of?

submitted by whatthepatty to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Follow the crumbs. $GME exposed the meta.

A friend of mine just sent this over to me. He's a noob and I'm a noob but in the true spirit of karma whoring for fake internet points I wanted to share and they said it's my funeral. Note we are both total retards, noobs and have no skin in the game cuz we too poor and can only afford plain popcorn, but we desperately want to see WSB succeed and Power to the Players! Do not take this as financial advice or god have mercy on your soul.
Uh guys… so we may see a crash that makes Enron look like a joke. There could be more than a short going on here, and more than firms pulling capital from other companies to cover.
I don’t mean to go all conspiracy theory on you, but hear me out.... I think everything is going so off-the-rails not because of the short, but because Vanguard, Fidelity and BlackRock have sold more stock than exists. This is illegal (duh) but it has happened lots of times in the past. In fact, we didn't have real laws against it until 2008. We may see some bizarre moves if WSB doesn't sell, because some people need to hide some crimes. No joke. Here's why I think this may be the case:
---------- The Background ----------
Read this first to understand how naked shorts work:
Basically, to short a stock, you must “borrow” the stock from another account, usually something like a margin account. This is something that typically the clearing house does on behest of the fund doing the shorting. Most people don’t even know when their shares are being borrowed by a hedge fund for the purposes of shorting.
A “naked short” is when you short a stock, but don’t confirm that the stock you are borrowing actually exists. This can happen when a clearing house either purposefully or inadvertently (ahem, sure) lends the same stock more than once. This basically clones the stock, just like an item cloning glitch in a video game. There are now two copies of the same stock in existence being actively traded… at least temporarily. Hold that thought.
Naked shorts can be devastating to the company being shorted, as not only do they lose liquidity because of the short, the cloned stocks serve to dilute the value of the real stocks being held by artificially increasing the number of stocks being traded. Especially for small companies doing initial investment rounds, this practically guarantees bankruptcy: the diluted value limits the amount of capital they can raise, as the company never sees the cash from the cloned stock.
Now, after the 2008 crash the SEC in theory made this illegal. Obviously, this practice kills companies if the short succeeds or destroys markets if the short doesn’t succeed. Either way, someone gets hurt.
HOWEVER, there’s a catch: Because hedge funds and clearing houses are permitted to operate behind closed doors, the SEC can only detect a naked short when a “failure to deliver” occurs. When someone calls the short, either because of a buy or because someone withdraws the right to loan their shares, the person shorting then has 3 days to deliver. If they can’t deliver the share (because it doesn’t exist) within 3 days, then this gets reported as a “failure to deliver”. Now, the SEC may look past a few of these because floats do happen, but too many and the SEC is obligated to open an investigation.
But of course, that never happens. The clearinghouse only has to report the net deliveries, not the actual transactions. This means that as long as there is someone buying on the day the failure-to-deliver would occur, the clearinghouse can roll the transaction forward… basically just like floating a check. The non-existent cloned stock is bought with the new buy, and the sell of real shares that should have covered that buy is left open but doesn’t need to be fulfilled for three more days. The clock resets. This is sort of like somebody-I-know used to do by floating checks back and forth between two different bank accounts: keeping the money in the air for several weeks until payday by continually writing checks to cover checks. Super unethical, but does work.
But, this can’t be continued indefinitely. There are SEC rules that make it tough to do this for longer than 21 days. IANAL, I don’t know every loophole, but that’s my understanding.
This is why after 2008 it became so important for the hedge fund to bankrupt the target company. If the company goes bankrupt, then the shares cease to be and the books never resolve. Even some kinds of restructuring can keep the books from resolving. It’s still possible to cover this without bankrupting the company if you can get enough people to sell, but it’s easier to crash the company and just make it all go away while pocketing cash from more shares than were ever real.
---------- The WSB Play ----------
Ok, now read this:
This was basically the original WSB plan back from October. Don't worry about the plan... we know what's going on here already. Melvin Capital shorted by 140% which is more than the float. Gamestop had enough cash to cover debt so it seemed unlikely they would fail unless the hedge funds forced it to. Squeeze looks obvious when you lay it out that way.
BUT, there is one chart here that is super important when folks were trying to figure this out: look at the chart for institutional ownership!
The top three names on that chart are Vanguard, Blackrock and Fidelity. As is suggested by the author, there is a strong likelihood that the top holders already loaned out all their shares to Melvin Capital. The shares had to come from somewhere, and this is the only place they could have come.
This is why some people thought this was a good move. Not just because there was a short, but because they could see that all the shares had already been “borrowed” which would force the hedge fund to buy at any price. There were simply no more shares available to option for any other kind of fuckery.
---------- The Expected Response ----------
Okay, so WSB made their move. And predictably Robinhood and a bunch of trading platforms cut the ability to buy GME. Seems obvious enough as a strategy to stem the bleeding, regardless of whether it is coming from Robinhood or, as they claim, the brokerage above them limiting trades for reasons. Whatever. Either way, this is an obvious response.
Likewise, there have been numerous pushes from the hedge funds to either convince WSB the positions are closed, or to convince them to change their position from GME to Silver.
Despite what the news is reporting, no one in WSB appears to be buying silver. Maybe someone is, but it ain’t them. I did a site-wide search for silver, then pulled the post history for all the accounts that made the posts--of which there are shockingly few compared to what the news media is implying. The only accounts promoting this appear to be mostly bots: they became reddit premium within the last week, or they are necro accounts that have no posts for two or three years until suddenly dozens of silver related posts in the last few days. Conversely, there are been numerous long standing accounts warning others that these silver posts are bots.
None of this is unexpected. Bots and media manipulation have been par for the course for political bullshit for the last few years.
Boots on the ground, I have literally no idea where the news media is getting this story other than a change in silver pricing. I am not seeing any such discussion in related communities, and certainly none that pre-dates the news stories! To be fair and avoid conspiracy: I don’t hang out on twitter. There are retail traders outside of Reddit, and perhaps the media is clumping multiple groups together and mistaking Twitter for Reddit. Wouldn’t be the first time. Even on 4chan /b/ is not /pol/ and so on. People make that mistake all the time, so the misrepresentation may be entirely unintentional. I know the internet is a weird weird place and not everyone gets how it works.
The last expected response is the fact that many of the hedge funds bought new short positions, especially assuming that most of Reddit would sell on Friday. (Which they did not) There are additional short positions held that expect WSB to fold within the next week. This coincides with the news reports expecting people to try to collect their profits. Of course, many people don't intend to do that. They aren't worried about the profits they want to see hedge funds go down.
But all this movement leads to an obvious question: If there are no shares available to borrow, then what are they borrowing against for the short??
---------- Clearing Houses are Sus ----------
Okay, soooo…. We expect Wall Street to prevent buying GME, which they have; and to unleash bots to change sentiment, which they have; and to promote news stories to try to change the situation, which they have.
BUT, with all of this, there are two retail trading platforms that are still allowing GME trades: Vanguard and Fidelity. There is also one firm that started buying GameStop themselves five days ago: BlackRock. Sound like a familiar list?????? These are the firms that held the shares that the hedge funds were borrowing against to short.
Now, if all the funds are trying to stop the bleeding, WHY would these firms still allow trading when no one else is… much less start buying themselves?
Unless…. The shares DON’T EXIST.
You can’t float a check between two accounts without writing another check. Someone needs to buy the shares in order to push the failure-to-deliver of the non-existent cloned stock into the future, otherwise the gig is up and the SEC finds out. If Vanguard and Fidelity become the only source for Redditors to buy from, then they can keep moving the doomsday clock forward. BlackRock can do the same thing by buying the stock themselves. Not as good a position, but not a lot of other choice if they need the books to read clean. Ok, someone with more experience than me can surely explain this better as there are some gotchas, but that's the basic gist.
More proof those shares don’t exist? This academic paper from last year gives a clue:
Even if you own shares, you can’t vote in a shareholder’s meeting if your shares have been loaned out. Less than half of GameStop shareholders were eligible to vote by April of last year, with even fewer by August! There were so many shares borrowed SIX MONTHS AGO that it was affecting GameStop’s ability to hold a quorum among shareholders.
Now the paper was only concerned about how short selling was affecting company’s ability to administer. The idea that these were naked shorts never came up AFAIK. But knowing what we do now, this seems increasingly likely.
Also, for good measure beyond academia, this was in the news from last year:
If you look at the volume that WSB has bought since then, and the amount held in options, and the amount of shares that have been borrowed against in the last week or two as hedge funds have placed a second set of shorts… well… it sure looks like there are way more shares on the market THAN EXIST. Of course, without having the records from the clearing houses, AFAIK there's no way to know for sure. Only the SEC can do that.
I don’t mean the bet WSB played… that Marvin had 140% of the FLOAT. I mean that Vanguard, Fidelity and BlackRock have sold more than the TOTAL SHARES that EXIST.
That's a completely different problem and it's punishable by jail time. Not a joke. It's basically counterfeiting stock shares, although that's not the terminology used. If this is true, who knows how many other times they’ve done this. Or maybe it's not true, and they just really like the stock??? If BlackRock started buying five days ago, and the longest they can likely do this is 21 days, then the doomsday clock doesn’t run out until at least February 17th. If Wall Street can get WSB to sell before then, then they won’t get caught and won’t go to jail. But if they don’t…. well, this will make Enron look like chump change.
If enough people hold until the end of February, and this is truly the situation, then there is a chance that major parts of Wall Street are going to IMPLODE.
---------- The Conclusion ----------
Apes need diamond hands until the end of February in order to get the SEC involved, most likely somewhere between Feb 17th - 19th. Whether or not this will happen is anybody's guess, but if it does all heck may break loose!
Wall Street will probably do everything in their power to prevent that. There are too many top players involved. Crazy moves are likely because stock brokers are smooshy and jail is uncomfortable.
This may effect the market. (Duh) Bloomberg may be correct, but not at all for the reasons stated. But, that said, I wouldn't panic if it does. I think it will be fine in the long run, but that's a whole other set of reasoning for another day.
Standard Disclaimer: This is not financial or legal advice. I am a retard and I have no idea what I am talking about. This is entirely speculation. :)
Edit: here is the link to my second attempt to post to WSB, maybe a mod can reverse the removal? The post still shows listed on my end:
Edit 2: Ok so don't ask me for stock advice. I don't know stocks and neither does my friend. We both think holding is the right move but beyond that we don't know and could even be wrong about that. And furthermore I don't want this to come off like we're accusing these companies of nefarious deeds. We don't know what is going on. The data is sus. The activities are sus. Google is your friend and the post tries to list sources for the research. Do your own research though! For ducks sake this is a rando post on UserSub. I'm happy to see the love but this is a one shot research dump by someone who knows nothing about this topic.
Edit 3: u/traveljg has commented that Blackrock is on the record for selling not buying but I don't know enough about any of this to challenge the idea one way or another and my friend is off on some other crusade at this point so he's worthless for questions. This is why it is SUPER important that you do your own research and not take advice from a rando.
Edit 4: I'm not responding to chat requests. If you have comments make them on the post. What is wrong with you retards?
submitted by bcRIPster to u/bcRIPster [link] [comments]

Things Coco has done Newcomers should know (and some Hololive History)

TLDR. Coco's not only a vulgar, meme-y, yakuza dragon. Coco's also a hard working, compassionate idol who deserves every bit of sub, SC, respect, love and more.
We love you, Coco! We will support you always.
Edit: She was one of the first to reach out to overseas viewers not just through culture but also through adding subtitles in her videos. One of the earliest, if not the first, is this video of when YT suspended her from streaming:
The reason for her suspension is unclear but this is the start of what Marine calls the Kiryuu Coco Line, the limit of what the girls can do before YT bonks them in the head.
Also, she's got a 9000 dollar bed, only because it was the amount of money the viewers sent upon hearing her using a futon. This helped her sleep deprivation of which was so terrible she had to take sleeping pills before bed. Here's her reacting to herself after taking some and playing games:
On her 3D debut, she sang an English version of Shiny Smily Story she translated herself. On a side note, on the first Asacoco, she was gutsy enough to point out the misspelled ‘Smily’ on the song name.
She originally applied as a part of management but upon learning that she has experience in regards to being a vtuber, they recommended that she apply as talent. It was amazing timing since auditions for 4th gen was on going during that time.
She lived independently after highschool, and finished university... TWICE... AS A WORKING STUDENT. She loves studying:
Thank you, u/fyrespyrit for helping me format!
submitted by rauden30 to Hololive [link] [comments]

r/wallstreetbets is being taken over from inactive mods. Mods, comments and Posts about it are being removed. Removed Mods created a new sub.

admins removed mods and gave control back

comment from Mod about it

I'll definitely post a more thorough summary later, but here's a direct quote from the admins:
After reviewing this situation based on input from both current and past moderators, we have decided to remove several moderators at the top of the list that were creating instability in the community.
With regards to zjz coming back, that's a question only he can answer!
TL;DR: With what´s going on with Gamestop Stock, wallstreetbets got over 7 million new Users, with Netflix Announcing to make a Movie about it the inactive Mods (OG) at WSB are trying to Profit of of it and are removing active Mods and making New created accounts Mods with Full Permission. Theres even Speculation about a Pump & Dump Scheme
Edit: YouTube Video explaining everything:

Proof of Mods trying to profit from this all: screenshots of the discord chat to sell out WSB
Thread on wallstreetbets about whats going on The mod is actively deleting comments which ask for proof or post the screenshot above
Its still going on. Over at wallstreetbets everything is getting removed. While the removed Mods created wallstreetbetstest
Proof of removed comments and posts:
Post from u/zjz in wallstreetbets test about whats going on, WHICH GOT REMOVED
What u/Stylus postet before it got REMOVED
u/jamsi about whats going on, which also got REMOVED
WSB own discord gets in the drama link 1 link 2
Even here are posts about it removed link
Comment from u/OlyBomaye about the removal from u/zjz: click
>For any outsiders reading this, Zjz is the mod who has been around the longest, is most responsible for building the subreddit into what it is, has created all the bot mods that police the content of the sub, etc. He's the dude holding the whole thing together. He should have been the head mod in the first place but previous Subreddit Drama in early 2020 left a close personal friend of the original founder, who was removed by the admins for attempting to monetize the subreddit by selling investment classes run by noted losers of money, as the head mod. The actual head mod is generally inactive and has only recently returned to, apparently, personally profit off the recent growth and notoriety of the subreddit. WSB in scrambles. Additional notes/context from u/fufm Only other points I would add.. • ⁠He is really the only true voice that communicates consistently with the people • ⁠He has demonstrated again and again that his motivation is to make the sub a better place, with no regard for personal gain • ⁠His ideas are actually good. Like for instance, his angle on the Twitter thing was to make it an auto-algo generated thing based on overall trends in the sub. Infinitely better idea than the cringe factory bullshit they were posting there initially. • ⁠He actually gets the sub
Removed Mods from wsb from u/DeathHopper:
>Here's a screen shot of the recent mod changes: CLICK
Megathread about the removing from mods in correlation with market pumps from u/brave_potato:
From u/frostfall_:
>Zjz statement that was removed by new wsb mods:
New Users made mods with full permission from u/MaiClay:
u/Tentings explaining whats going on for the uninitiated:
>To try to explain it rather briefly in case you don't feel like reading other sources, the original foundemod of the sub was forcefully removed by admins last year after he attempted to monetize the sub by creating a real "e-sport like" trading competition, and he began shilling a trading group business that was rather shady (which he was found to have ties with).>>Fast forward to now, one of the top mods who has shouldered most of the responsibility for the sub, maintaining bots, interacting with the community, doing most of the mod duties, etc was stripped of his mod powers by the highest ranking mod of the sub. This higher ranking mod is a personal friend of the original founder, has been extremely inactive for the past year or so, and has only returned once the sub gained mainstream popularity. The mod that was ousted made a post that was hastily deleted stating that the highest rating mod and company have been making deals with outside entities in what is another attempt to monetize the sub in the way of movie deals, something to do with the Winklevoss twins, funneling all outside inquiries to private email addresses, etc. > >All in all, just Reddit drama. But the sub seems to have issues with top mods periodically attempting to monetize on recent attention. > >Edit: To add to this, all this occurred late last night when the majority of users were asleep. As of right now the sub is beginning to pick up in terms of activity due to people waking up. The current mod team (that ousted the mod that was held in high regard) brought on a bunch of new mods who have accounts that are less than a week old. These mods are now doing a rather effective job at deleting and banning anyone that brings up this abrupt change in leadership, and any mention of the mod that was kicked. With that said, most users over there are unaware of this change of leadership and unaware that the “captain of the ship” is “selling out” the subreddit. And of course, half the sub just doesn’t care and wants to talk about GameStop.
u/disabledsexrobot (lol) did step down as mod to support u/zjz
>Today has been a really bad day. I took notice at work today that u/bawse1 and u/zjz and other mods hand been kicked out by the old mods who once again has decided to try to attempt a take over and monetize the sub.During my time as a mod I have never even really spoken to them except for replying to grebfar in a thread. I've never really see them mod or run the subreddit in any capacity. It was fun while it lasted. u/zjz as a prevoius subscriber and moderator alongside you in wallstreetbets, thank you for all the incredible hard work you put into the bots that made it possible to moderate a sub of that size. I know you have worked your fingers to the bone tapping away at the keyboard to code those.To everyone else, I want you to know that I always loved wallstreetbets as a community and I in no way, shape or form wish to be associated with jartek and the other old mods. This is the second time they attempt to do a hostile take over of our beloved community. They're nothing but dishonest and deceptive.
TL;DR: With what´s going on with Gamestop Stock, wallstreetbets got over 7 million new Users, with Netflix Announcing to make a Movie about it the inactive Mods (OG) at WSB are trying to Profit of of it and are removing active Mods and making New created accounts Mods with Full Permission. Theres even Speculation about a Pump & Dump Scheme
edited for better Visibility
submitted by cocaina44 to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

GME Gains. Started with $4,500 in November, >1.5 mil in February.
Started in November with $4,500 that I cash advanced from my credit card and saved by paying my rent with that card for 2 months. I initially bought 75% shares and 25% calls and just pressed buttons on my phone a few times here and then for the next couple months. I didn't want to post this until GME wounds started healing for others. I did, however, go down with the ship in my Fidelity where I lost about 25k on shares. Nothing I did was smart, I got lucky. DON'T FUCKING GAMBLE WITH MONEY YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE. THERE WAS 1 SPOT IN 10 MILLION WHERE THAT SHIT ACTUALLY WORKS AND I ALREADY TOOK IT. Please don't test your luck because you will lose your shirt and your wife will go stay with her boyfriend permanently. Otherwise, keep those Wendie's Tendies flowing you fucking retards.
Edit 1: Getting a lot of PM's asking for money. Bitch, I'd love to help everybody and will be making sizeable donation to charities and bringing video games to kids for Christmas. However, I don't just have cash everywhere. I actually adjusted my quality of life DOWNWARDS. Also, if you wanna PM me to ask where to learn about options, you better have some experience in business, logistics, trucking or brokering freight, so you can return the favor. I need help with something so tit for tat.
Edit 2: Got a lot of people messaging me asking about what shall not be named i.e. rule 4. If you are interested in that, you can go through my post history.
Edit 3: Can't I get a flair or something for being an absolute retard?
Edit 4: Yes people, this was my FIRST play in the stock market, I'm not a guru that could do this again. The first's one's always free or at least it was in my case! I am lucky, not skilled.
Edit 5: The week of the gamma squeeze, I was up to 90k. I pulled out 46k which was more than 10 times my initial investment. Had I not done that, I would not have had the balls to make this play. My best advice, SET YOURSELF UP FOR AN OPPORTUNITY THAT YOU CAN PLAY RISKY LIKE THIS AND IF IT DOESN'T WORK, YOU ARE STILL BETTER OFF THEN YOU WERE WHEN YOU FIRST STARTED!!!
Edit 6: Volatility. How did I not wanna die with such large fluctuations? Well sometimes I did, that's what the liquor was for. Otherwise, as you can probably tell, I was born in the bytecorn space but way out of even the top 25 or 100 corns. I'm talking microcap that would put even the worst copperstonks to shame. This volatility pales in comparison and I became comfortable there, sometimes even happy. Learn to hold onto your pants trading the most volatile asset known to man, and options will be a walk in the park. Also, I learned a ton about greed and chasing gains in the pop of 2017. Lessons to be learned can be found everywhere, it's up to you to determine how much you wanna pay to learn those lessons.
submitted by jbro12345 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

"If YoU wAnT tO gAmBlE, uSe A cAsInO"...shutup, we are. WSB isn't the problem, WSB unveiled the problem.

Here is a rant that nobody cares about, but it's good enough to read, I'll even give you a TLDR now.
TLDR: We are this way, because it's the only way we are allowed to be, as retail traders.
Now that that's out of the way, lets look at it from a normie traders point of view.

  1. Pattern Day Trading: Why does it exist? To protect us? From what? Do you ask for a W2 for everyone literally walking into a casino to see if they are capable of losing what they are risking? No, they are free to spend as they please. Funny, I thought that's what a free market was for too?
  2. Market Makers: You want us to literally just stop, leave, and use a casino? Use DraftKings and that sort of platform, ok. Now what, how do you make your money off of "dumb money" when it's gone? You need us, we need you.
  3. *WHY* is a collective of people on Reddit such a danger?: For the sake of arguing, before this happened, there were 800,000 of us just being collectively dumb together. LETS JUST SAY, combined, we had 1 billion dollars between 800,000 people. That's scary? You lost 2.7b in the first wave of short losses, then asked for help for another 3b. Do you know what that means? THAT MEANS, that hedge funds, as a collective, is the problem, NOT REDDIT.
  4. When we got together, it was a crime, when you got together, it was not a problem? How can we be "investors" in a rigged game, literally, please explain it. We HAVE TO GAMBLE to make money, because those are YOUR RULES.
  5. Trading is passive income, not a job: Yeah, it's a passive way to kill time for 95% of us, make a little side money, couple grand here or there, sometimes get lucky and make 10k. This is a lot for regular people, it's literally NOTHING to you, but debt payment and vacation funds for us.
  6. We are Degenerates and Dumb Money: If a large group of dumb people cost you money is a problem...then why is a large group of smart people (you market makers and hedge funds) that manipulate costs to take dumb moneys money away, allowed?
Anyways, there is a list 3 miles long.
GameStop isn't about GameStop, it's a beacon of reason, it could have been any stock, Citron just picked the target and we used it.
Good Luck Diamond Handing gents. Think about it this way. No matter what happens, THEY HAVE LOST MORE MONEY THIS MONTH, than what average day traders have collectively made in 5 years. Let that sink in.
Edit: This blew up, appreciate all the support!
I recently saw this video, it's 10 minutes long, but the first 3 are incredibly important! Jim Cramer exposes what illegal activities hedge funds and short sellers do to manipulate the market. . They literally take advantage of the SEC not knowing what they do.
Hold strong brothers
submitted by Ned_Flanderz to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Boomer Old Money has bled and will get dirty going forward. Don’t be an idiot, Don’t poke the beehive with tweets, phone call harassment or callouts. Keep our head down and nose to the grindstone.

🚨🚨🚨Alert add - - Crony Capitalism at its finest. They don’t want the competition on market forces or adapt to new technology for better researching and information sharing so now, they will lobby Congress to change the laws and they will do it quickly because they have the money to do it.
Add 1 - please upvote and pin, make sure every retard reads this!!! It’s like a poker game, never show your cards, have poker face, and don’t ever count your money at the table. (Kenny Rogers i fucked up the quote but I’m retarded so whatever)
Add 2- No to going “underground” either. We are an OPEN forum. People can come and go as they please just like a SIDEWALK OR STREET CORNER. Underground suggests organization lol.
Fellow retards, many of you may not realize it but, the corporate world is fucking brutal and basically animalistic warfare. Don’t believe me? Read “Barbarians at the Gate” or watch the movie if you’re too retarded and you can’t read TV Movie Here. We made Citron and Melvin Bleed this week (Melvin had to get $1billion money loan Citron did it in 2018 on Tesla Loss) and they don’t like that. If you saw the letter they tweeted out you’d see why we gotta watch out Citron getting defensive laying the groundwork for a counter.. They are already setting up the groundwork to get law enforcement and SEC involved. They’ve alleged that some idiots allegedly sent death threats, harassed and spammed there office email and phones, etc. As of now, there is no proof that it happened but even so this is a forum and it’s not responsible for individual being assholes. Boomer old money will get dirty and ethically dubious to maintain power rather than innovate and compete. I promise you, They are already meeting with one another to figure a way to turn this forum off. Corporate espionage, hostile takeovers, and crowd-outs...all’s fair in love and war I guess.
We’re a forum, not an organization or a firm, and we need to make that painfully clear to every fucker who says otherwise (boomers looking in and newbies here). Optics and a paper trail to boot will ensure WSB stays a forum for all to come and yell out their yolos, give DD, view loss porn, and brag about gains! This isn’t a firm, we’re basically a bunch of retards yelling on the street corner or at the NY Stock Exchange floor yelling to buy waffles (family guy scene - buy waffles aka this is us ) that’s not illegal, that’s actually how stocks have been in the past, where where one retard says “I hear business x has new shit, buy x!” Then everyone joins in the feeding frenzy to buy (or sell) x. We’re just a digital version. None of this twitter account bs that we thankfully shit them up ( we really need them to shut it down completely). Members here, do not go and poke the beehive. If a new member does this shit they may be an infiltrator from the firm trying to sabotage us from within so be on the lookout for other people’s behavior. Let’s play this smart, keep comments and shut here and let’s all go to infinite and beyond! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
submitted by Jabadu to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Important! GME Short attack tactics predicted in 2014! All the tactics used in the recent week by hedge funds revealed and explained

All the tactics Hedge funds are using to crash GME prices were revealed as far back as 2014 in this article:
Anatomy of a short attack
TL;DR: Ladder attacks to drive the price down, Media assults, Brokers pulling margin, Paid bashers, Diversion attempts - all tactics seen in recent weeks were predicted by this article from 2014
Transcript if website crashes due to traffic:
Anatomy Of A Short Attack
Abusive shorting are not random acts of a renegade hedge funds, but rather a coordinated business plan that is carried out by a collusive consortium of hedge funds and prime brokers, with help from their friends at the DTC and major clearinghouses. Potential target companies are identified, analyzed and prioritized. The attack is planned to its most minute detail.
The plan consists of taking a large short position, then crushing the stock price, and, if possible, putting the company into bankruptcy. Bankrupting the company is a short homerun because they never have to buy real shares to cover and they don't pay taxes on the ill-gotten gain.
When it is time to drive the stock price down, a blitzkrieg is unleashed against the company by a cabal of short hedge funds and prime brokers. The playbook is very similar from attack to attack, and the participating prime brokers and lead shorts are fairly consistent as well.
Typical tactics include the following:
Flooding the offer side of the board
Ultimately the price of a stock is found at the balance point where supply (offer) and demand (bid) for the shares find equilibrium. This equation happens every day for every stock traded. On days when more people want to buy than want to sell, the price goes up, and, conversely, when shares offered for sale exceed the demand, the price goes down.
The shorts manipulate the laws of supply and demand by flooding the offer side with counterfeit shares. They will do what has been called a short down ladder. It works as follows: Short A will sell a counterfeit share at $10. Short B will purchase that counterfeit share covering a previously open position. Short B will then offer a short (counterfeit) share at $9. Short A will hit that offer, or short B will come down and hit Short A's $9 bid. Short A buys the share for $9, covering his open $10 short and booking a $1 profit.
By repeating this process the shorts can put the stock price in a downward spiral. If there happens to be significant long buying, then the shorts draw from their reserve of "strategic fails-to-deliver" and flood the market with an avalanche of counterfeit shares that overwhelm the buy side demand. Attack days routinely see eighty percent or more of the shares offered for sale as counterfeit. Company news days are frequently attack days since the news will "mask" the extraordinary high volume. It doesn't matter whether it is good news or bad news.
Flooding the market with shares requires foot soldiers to swamp the market with counterfeit shares. An off-shore hedge fund devised a remarkably effective incentive program to motivate the traders at certain broker dealers. Each trader was given a debit card to a bank account that only he could access. The trader's performance was tallied, and, based upon the number of shares moved and the other "success" parameters; the hedge fund would wire money into the bank account daily. At the end of each day, the traders went to an ATM and drew out their bribe. Instant gratification.
Global Links Corporation is an example of how wholesale counterfeiting of shares will decimate a company's stock price. Global Links is a company that provides computer services to the real estate industry. By early 2005, their stock price had dropped to a fraction of a cent. At that point, an investor, Robert Simpson, purchased 100%+ of Global Links' 1,158,064 issued and outstanding shares. He immediately took delivery of his shares and filed the appropriate forms with the SEC, disclosing he owned all of the company's stock. His total investment was $5205. The share price was $.00434. The day after he acquired all of the company's shares, the volume on the over-the-counter market was 37 million shares. The following day saw 22 million shares change hands - all without Simpson trading a single share. It is possible that the SEC has been conducting a secret investigation, but that would be difficult without the company's involvement. It is more likely the SEC has not done anything about this fraud.
Massive counterfeiting can drive the stock price down in a matter of hours on extremely high volume. This is called "crashing" the stock and a successful "crash" is a one-day drop of twenty-percent or a thirty-five percent drop in a week. In order to make the crash "stick" or make it more effective, it is done concurrently with all or most of the following:
Media Assault
The shorts, in order to realize their profit, must ultimately put the victim into bankruptcy or obtain shares at a price much cheaper than what they shorted at. These shares come from the investing public who panics and sells into the manipulation. Panic is induced with assistance from the financial media.
The shorts have "friendly" reporters with the Dow Jones News Agency, the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, the New York Times, Gannett Publications (USA Today and the Arizona Republic), CNBC and others. The common thread: A number of the "friendly" reporters worked for The, an Internet advisory service that short hedge-fund managers David Rocker and Jim Cramer owned. This alumni association supported the short attack by producing slanted, libelous, innuendo laden stories that disparaged the company, as it was being crashed.
One of the more outrageous stories was a front-page story in USA Today during a short crash of TASER's stock price in June 2005. The story was almost a full page and the reporter concluded that TASER's electrical jolt was the same as an electric chair - proof positive that TASERs did indeed kill innocent people. To reach that conclusion the reporter over estimated the TASER's amperage by a factor of one million times. This "mistake" was made despite a detailed technical briefing by TASER to seven USA Today editors two weeks prior to the story. The explanation "Due to a mathematical error" appeared three days later - after the damage was done to the stock price.
Jim Cramer, in a video-taped interview with The, best described the media function:
When (shorting) ... The hedge fund mode is to not do anything remotely truthful, because the truth is so against your view, (so the hedge funds) create a new 'truth' that is development of the fiction... you hit the brokerage houses with a series of orders (a short down ladder that pushes the price down), then we go to the press. You have a vicious cycle down - it's a pretty good game.
This interview, which is more like a confession, was never supposed to get on the air; however, it somehow ended up on YouTube. Cramer and The have made repeated efforts, with some success, to get it taken off of YouTube.
Pulling margin from long customers
The clearinghouses and broker dealers who finance margin accounts will suddenly pull all long margin availability, citing very transparent reasons for the abrupt change in lending policy. This causes a flood of margin selling, which further drives the stock price down and gets the shorts the cheap long shares that they need to cover.
Paid bashers
The shorts will hire paid bashers who "invade" the message boards of the company. The bashers disguise themselves as legitimate investors and try to persuade or panic small investors into selling into the manipulation. (Click here for Confessions Of A Paid Stock Basher).
This is not every trick the shorts use when they are crashing the stock. Almost every victim company experiences most or all of these tactics.
Analyst Reports
Some alleged independent analysts were actually paid by the shorts to write slanted negative ratings reports. The reports, which were represented as being independent, were ghost written by the shorts and disseminated to coincide with a short attack. There is congressional testimony in the matter of Gradiant Analytic and Rocker Partners that expands upon this. These libelous reports would then become a story in the aforementioned "friendly" media. All were designed to panic small investors into selling their stock into the manipulation.
Planting moles in target companies
The shorts plant "moles" inside target companies. The moles can be as high as directors or as low as janitors. They steal confidential information, which is fed to the shorts who may feed it to the friendly media. The information may not be true, may be out of context, or the stolen documents may be altered. Things that are supposed to be confidential, like SEC preliminary inquiries, end up as front-page news with the short-friendly media.
Frivolous SEC investigations
The shorts "leak" tips to the SEC about "corporate malfeasance" by the target company. The SEC, which can take months processing Freedom of Information Act requests, swoops in as the supposed "confidential inquiry" is leaked to the short media.
The plethora of corporate rules means the SEC may ultimately find minor transgressions or there may be no findings. Occasionally they do uncover an Enron, but the initial leak can be counted on to drive the stock price down by twenty-five percent. The announcement of no or little findings comes months later, but by then the damage that has been done to the stock price is irreversible. The San Francisco office of the SEC appears to be particularly close to the short community.
Class Action lawsuits
Based upon leaked stories of SEC investigations or other media exposes, a handful of law firms immediately file class-action shareholder suits. Milberg Weiss, before they were disbanded as a result of a Justice Department investigation, could be counted on to file a class-action suit against a company that was under short attack. Allegations of accounting improprieties that were made in the complaint would be reported as being the truth by the short friendly media, again causing panic among small investors.
Interfering with target company's customers, financings, etc.
If the shorts became aware of clients, customers or financings that the target company was working on, they would call and tell lies or otherwise attempt to persuade the customer to abandon the transaction. Allegedly the shorts have gone so far as to bribe public officials to dissuade them from using a company's product.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, this is not my work I'm just copy/pasting the article(bolding the most relevant parts, and re-ordering sub-chapters)
I'm long GME
submitted by StalksYouEverywhere to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Blackberry -- A Dormant Giant

Abbreviation Index:

BB -- Blackberry
AWS -- Amazon Web Services
IVY -- Intelligent Vehicles Yo. I don't actually know if this stands for anything
QNX -- Quick-Unix perhaps? It's a Unix-like embedded microkernel RTOS (real-time operating system)
EOY -- end of year
PT -- price target
SP -- stock price
EV -- electric vehicle
SoC -- System on a Chip
IoT -- Internet of Things
TL;DR: Blackberry ($BB) is almost daily announcing new partnerships and new clients for their software, including new deals with companies that are just now or just this year launching autonomous vehicles that run on QNX software. The big kahuna of all these deals is BB's recent partnership with Amazon to go 50/50 into BB's software IVY, a scalable cloud-connected software platform designed for intelligent vehicle data gathering and data sharing. With Amazon's Jeff Bezos stepping down, and Andy Jassy filling his shoes, who was the CEO of AWS, BB will have some very firm support behind Amazon's new CEO. BB and Amazon are having a webinar Feb. 23rd about their partnership and IVY, which should be a strong catalyst moving forward. IVY beta earnings are projected to begin impacting BB's Q3 or Q4 earnings beginning in November this year, with IVY fully being integrated around the 2023 timeframe. Through a lot of reading and analysis, I believe BB has a four-tiered business model dating back as far as 2013 when BB's CEO John Chen was hired to begin the massive BB turnaround process. Tier 1 was development of QNX and IVY, lasting from 2013 to today and onward, however, Tier 2 overlaps Tier 1. Tier 2 was customer acquisition, primarily distributing their secure software in QNX, SecuSuite, Spark, and AtHoc. They secured 37 automakers during this time, including 9 of the top 10 automakers, over 106 governments from around the world, including all of G7 governments and 18 of G20 governments, as well as 77% of Fortune 100 companies, including partnerships with Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Sony, XPENG, XPEV, NVIDIA, Intel, Qualcomm, Baidu, IBM, LG, Samsung, and others. Well if they have such an incredible market share, why are they so undervalued? The answer is that QNX was not the end-all-be-all product. It was the base that the rest would be built on. Particularly IVY, which is the real money-maker. Tier 3 is IVY beta, and Tier 4 is IVY distribution and subscription revenue streams. So why is IVY the big deal and not QNX? They are both big deals, but QNX was never designed to be the money-maker. They are charging a one-time fee per vehicle use. There is a bigger goal here, to secure their clients as their customers for the bigger product in IVY. They also need QNX is to be a secure system in order for IVY to be trustworthy and reliable. And it certainly is secure. QNX has ISO26262 certification, as well as US government clearance, NSA clearance, and CIA clearance. The US government uses QNX and Blackberry products. Just let that sink in. That should tell you something about its security. Anyways, IVY will be used in autonomous vehicle level 4 and level 5 communication (note that QNX is level 5 certified... it has a business moat just in its security level and clearance), as well as EV and gas vehicle data collecting and AI-powered data synthesis. See below for more details on IVY. Wrapping up this TL;DR, BB is going to do well this year as IVY unfolds, but will do even better in the next 2-5 years. I have a PT of 25 by EOY and a PT of 80 by 2023 EOY, and a PT of 160+ by 2025 EOY
TL;DR: TL;DR: BB go up, but go slow for now because IVY revenue not here yet, but big fast later. Make big monies, BB is the future tech that Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc will be building upon in the EV and IoT market


1) Why is Blackberry stock price going down?
A: A few possible reasons. One, as of today the whole market is down. BB is connected to overall market swings as most companies are. Two, there may be some market manipulation by bearish financial institutions as there are a lot of calls expiring on 2/19. I would expect that BB SP to be volatile between $11 and $14 between now and then, and to move upwards after 2/19 and especially after 2/23 (Amazon + BB webinar). Three, there are bearish investors who still think BB is a phone company and don't understand the underworkings of BB's business strategy, their software, their patents, or their partners. Their revenue has been affected by coronavirus and has not been particularly phenomenal so far this year.
2) Should I invest now or later?
A: First off, I'm not a financial advisor, these are just my opinions. Invest at your own risk. In my opinion, BB will see a large SP growth by EOY, anywhere from 50% to 150% growth by EOY. While revenue will likely not increase much this year, the partnership with Amazon and news regarding IVY will likely create new floors for their SP much higher than the current SP right now, at around the $12 SP
3) What's stopping competitors from building a similar product and hurting BB's business?
A: There's a lot of reasons why BB has a huge moat right now. One, notice the partners that BB has with QNX. They've got all the big boys working them, aside from Apple and Tesla. Seeing as SpaceX runs on QNX, and seeing that Apple was trying to make a deal with Hyundai that did not go through, I think it is still possible that either Tesla or Apple or both companies could also make a deal with BB to use QNX as their OS system. BB worked to develop their QNX embedded microkernel OS for the last eight years or so. Anyone trying to step into the game now is far too late. Apple has the best chance of all companies, as it has its own OS and Apple knows security very well, but this still requires an entirely new system in order to work in the EV sector. Also, Apple announced recently that they would be developing their own EV, although they did not give much details beyond that statement. The likelihood that they are both working on the hardware and software side of this thing is slim given the large number of difficulties that come with certification as it relates to the cybersecurity software space. Regardless, I would suspect that either Apple or Tesla is the most likely to be competitors in this space, but neither company has successfully completed a certified OS system, particularly for the emerging sector of autonomous EVs. Tesla is currently building a Linux-based system that is having a lot of difficulty in passing certifications such as ISO26262, a struggle that has been ongoing for years now. They may achieve a product that passes these safety regulations and certifications, but the question remains whether this will be in time as the EV and autonomous market picks up speed, and whether competing companies would even be interested in using their product. In fact, any car company is unlikely to develop their own OS software because none of their competitors would be likely to use it. BB is the perfect business to license since it is not competing in the hardware sector for the EV market. This argument can also be used for Apple if they are also building an EV.
4) Why is BB's revenue so low if they have so many customers and partners?
A: QNX has been licensed so far as a one-time purchase, per vehicle or IoT using their software. IVY will be a subscription-based software that also includes a one-time purchase. Thus, BB's revenue streams are somewhat unimpressive currently, but they are playing the long game. If my hypothesis is correct, it is John Chen's goal to lay low as software is developed and customer relationships are built. It's the same with the book market. It's the sequel that makes all the money, not the first book. QNX is just the first book of a series looking to hook in its customers with low costs before hitting 'em with the strong follow up in IVY. Additionally, in order to build a competitive business moat, it was to their advantage to not forewarn any competitors of their involvement and plans. Consider John Chen's work as a CEO in his last business Sybase. Chen worked as the CEO of Sybase for 10 years. For the first 7 years, the SP remained at around $10 a share. Three years later, the SP was at $100 a share. I suspect he is implementing a similar model with Blackberry. Chen joined Blackberry in 2013. BB stock actually dropped for most of the last 7 years, resting at a stock price of around $5. Now BB is at $12 a share. I would not be surprised if BB reaches $50 two years from now.

Now for the details.

Read this for DD on BB's achievements, certifications, markets, QNX products, EV growth, Spark software and clients, BB Radar, software pricing, and BB challenges:
Comprehensive Guide about BB and how it shall take off in coming years

Full List of Clients and Partners:

Blackberry Clients and Partners
Automakers: Honda, Audi, Jeep, Mitsubishi, Ford, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Bentley, Lamboghini, Byton, Mini (cooper), Toyota, Subaru, Fiat Chrysler, Mazda, Nio, BMW, Porsche, Lexus, Kia, Land-Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Buick, Jaguar, Visteon, Skoda, Chevrolet, Nissan, Acura, Continental, General Motors, Baidu, Motional
Other: Denso, Aptiv, Bosch, Panasonic, Harman, Bugatti, LG, Vodafone, Bell, Carahsoft, CACI, Telus, iSec, KPMG, Tableau, Qlik
Major: Amazon, Google, Sony, XPENG, XPEV, Li Auto, NVIDIA, Canoo, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, Qualcomm, IBM, LG, Samsung
Major Investors: PRIMECAP, Hamblin Watsa, Ontario Teachers’ Pension, Vanguard, Harris Associates, ETF Managers Group, Wells Capital, Arrowstreet Capital, Kahn Brothers Advisors, Norges Bank Investment
Governments: Albania, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Congo, Croatia, Czech Republic, DR Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Marthinique, Mauritania, Mauritus, Mayotte, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Réunion, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, USA, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vatican City, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Blackberry Current Revenues:

BlackBerry Revenues: How Does BlackBerry Make Money? -- Trefis
This display the biggest bearish argument to BB. Until IVY begins producing new revenue streams, BB is likely to not exponentially increase revenue streams, but only sustain moderate YoY growth

Blackberry Analysis Regarding Infotainment and Google and Ford Deal:

see "Blackberry (BB) Stock News Analysis | What I need to say..." by Financial Live by LEYA on the forbidden video website
The media recently picked out a story that left out a lot of pertinent information, making it seems that BB lost Ford as a client. This is not true. QNX is designed to be a SoC. This means that other operating systems, such as Linux or Android, can be easily added to QNX. It is in fact encouraged. The Ford and Google deal was simply announcing the Ford would be using Android as their infotainment system. I believe that BB was never intended to try and be the predominant entity for all software systems in EVs or IoTs, but the backbone that connects all together, and to protect all components in a secure system. Autonomous EVs and even regular EVs in general would not be possible without a secure system protecting the product, as is true with IoTs. This is also why things like US Fighter Jets run on... you guess it, QNX. Ford is still using QNX. It is simply also now using Android that is running on top of QNX more commentary on this: Analyzing Blackberry Bear Argument - Case No. 1: Ford Deal

Pretty Charts

The New BlackBerry Everyone is Talking About $BB

Facebook Settlement with BB

This is an interesting one to be sure. Facebook was being evil, like the do, and were caught using a number of BB patents. They settled in February, and the day that the settlement was finalized, John Chen (BB CEO) tweeted reminding everyone that BB is used on the ISS
Well, the connection and speculation here is that Blackberry is going to the moon, and that the settlement is rather significant. Someone else also dug out some information in Facebook's most recent 10-K, specifically a portion for a 'non-cancelable contractual commitment' of an amount of $7500 million dollars. That's 7.5 billion btw. We don't know how big the settlement is, but it is worth noting that BB's entire market cap is 7.5B. I highly doubt that a settlement would reach such lofty numbers, but it could be possible that FB settled for some initial amount of $1B or so, as well as $1B in reoccurring payments over several years. We won't know until March 15th actually, so stay tuned.

Blackberry New Partnerships

Within the last few weeks, Blackberry has announced a stronger partnership with Baidu (China's Google), as well as their involvement with Baidu choosing to use QNX for their autonomous vehicles that will be hitting the road, as early as this year and next. BB has also announced their involvement with Motional, a joint venture between Hyundai and Aptiv, which will use QNX for their autonomous vehicles. Motional will be partnering with Lyft to use autonomous vehicles to begin serving customers and will be deploying their vehicles in 2023. It was also announced that QNX will be working with AOSP (Android Open Source Project), as well as announcing yesterday that QNX Hypervisor 2.2 is now released, which is what allows Android and Linux to run on top of QNX.
A sum-up of all the recent news on $BB

BB's Technical Page on QNX Security

Very technical. But cool stuff.

Rumor: Blackberry Buyout? Here's why that's not happening:

Just read this post. It's quite revealing:
Great Day for BB despite stick dipping.
TL;DR: Amazon could have easily bought BB. Why didn't they? Well, all the big players are interested in this EV and IoT emerging sector. This is the new wave of technology that will dominate the market. First we had the boom, then the cell-phone and smart-phone market, and now we have the autonomous EV and IoT market. If Amazon were to buy BB, they would have to submit a tender offer. This would be a red flag to all the big players that Amazon were trying to buy up the best security out there. It would be a bidding war that could result in a double-digit multi-billion dollar buyout. It was much more to their advantage to create a secret alliance with BB and establish a 50/50 partnership, whose contract includes exclusivity for their use of IVY. Ouch! That's gotta hurt. This is where the importance of QNX lies. BB will be able to pull the rug out from any company that chooses to use something other than IVY. No IVY, no QNX, no EV. It will be a package deal where IVY is the big money maker. All other companies will have to build from the ground up or be forced to license QNX and make their money off of other sectors, such as the infotainment sector, as Google has already begun to do with the Ford deal. When this deal happened, the other big boys wet their pants realizing they needed to get into this space, and fast. Microsoft partnered with Cruise/GM. Apple tried to partner with Hyundai, who was so flattered, they may have initially said yes or indicated so, before realizing that they were already partnered with BB, so it was a no-go. Not sure if that is fact or fiction, but it is an interesting proposal.

Blackberry IVY + AWS Partnership:

Alright, so what's the deal with IVY? Why is it going to be so profitable? Why is IVY the real money-maker, while QNX has been used as the customer-acquisition software tool? Check out this picture:
For one, IVY is designed for real-time communication between EVs or other IoTs. Autonomous driving level 5 requires vehicles to communicate with one another. This is where IVY comes in. IVY connects the different software components of an EV (which presumably are running on QNX), as well as harvesting data on those systems. The data used can be distributed for a wide-variety of uses, including, but not limited to, automakers and suppliers, app developers, consumer services, smart cities, EV charging providers, insurance companies, and vehicle maintenance providers. All of these different sectors will be willing to pay subscriptions for these data services, as well as the automakers and IoT makers who will also be willing to pay subscriptions for IVY. For instance, IVY can help share information between vehicles that will allow for a car detecting ice roads in one area so that other cars using IVY can take a different route. This results in less crashes, which helps the automakers. Insurance companies can use data from all these different data points as well, allowing them an inside-view of their clients. The list of what is possible here is inexhaustible.
As for price points, the subscription models for multiple outside companies wanting to use the data will be create huge revenue streams for BB. With Amazon as a 50/50 partner, and with their resources and strategic management, BB will be poised to be the foundation in security and data sharing for the entire EV, and somewhat of the IoT market (the IoT market has more competitors for sure)
see "Is BlackBerry Stock Undervalued?" by Wealthy Mindset on the forbidden video website
see "Roadmap to $180 a share (BlackBerry Stock)" by Wealthy Mindset on the forbidden video website

Revenue, revenue, revenue...

Blackberry is poised to be an industry leader in EV, government, and IoT security and data sharing with products such as QNX, IVY, Spark, and their other software products. Stock price will likely stay somewhat stunted until IVY revenue begins picking up. It is possible that more announcements and marketing related to IVY will make this growth more rapid. In my opinion, either way BB over the next 5 years will 10x. The question is whether you want to get in now at $12 / share or two years from now at $40 a share or something similar, assuming that either way this stock is going to push for that 100B market cap (it's currently at 7B). There will be bearish analysts that will continue to say that Blackberry is a worthless company until those IVY revenue streams begin to come in. It is also possible that a realistic competitor may emerge within the next three years, such as Tesla or Apple. But if Apple is seeking to create its own EV product, then both companies will have a hard time finding any way to license their software to any other company. It remains possible that Apple and/or Tesla may strikes deals with BB as well in order to be able to produce autonomous vehicles and get a bite of that market share

Really, no competitors?

Well it's called a business moat for a reason. As we have recently seen, QNX is working with AOSP, and so clearly, they are not to be worried about. Tesla is not a true competitor as their OS product is not certified yet, and has demonstrated difficulty in doing so, and additionally, other automakers will not want to benefit their competitors by using their product. A third-party non-auto-maker will be much more desirable. Other companies such as VxWorks, have a lot of to prove both in security and certifications, as well as producing an OS product that is compatible with an emerging autonomous level 5 EV market. QNX's embedded microkernel RTOS is very much unique in this regard. This type of system allows for real-time processing and power distribution, while protecting the system from attacks. In an embedded microkernel system, if one part of the system is attacked, the whole system will not shut down, in layman's terms. This is essential for the security of any high-risk product that is built upon an underlying software that controls that different components of the system.


All eyes are turned towards Blackberry right now. People want to know what this deal with Amazon will look like, how it will work, what they will focus on, (will Amazon also use this system for a fleet of delivery drones? hmmm), what the revenue streams will look like, what are their projections, what markets and sectors are they targeting, what are their future goals, what will Amazon be doing on their end, etc, etc. The Amazon + BB webinar may answer some of those questions, or maybe they won't. Time will tell (Feb. 23rd, specifically -- here's a link to sign up and watch: Next-Gen Vehicle Architectures Unlock Unprecedented Opportunities for Automakers). Also look out for that FB settlement numbers on March 15th, and Q4 earnings March 31st. I don't expect Q4 earnings to be particularly interesting unless they include the FB settlement numbers. Could those numbers instead be put into Q1 earnings for 2021? Possibly.
Initially IVY beta is expected to begin being released late this year. I will also be looking forward to see how Apple and Tesla respond in the coming months. Ultimately, BB is a long-term play, but is poised to dominate this emerging industry with the partnerships and security focused software they have secretly been building. Now if only the could do something about their logo, some rebranding would be nice...
This is not financial advice, just my own opinions. I am not a financial advisor nor a professional. I own 14k shares in Blackberry, as well as options (10x 8/17/21 20c BB). Do your own DD and fact check me as well
submitted by UncleZiggy to stocks [link] [comments]

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
Developer: Nintendo
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 89 average - 92% recommended - 62 reviews

Critic Reviews

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 10 / 10
To be clear, I'd still wholly recommend this version of 3D World even without Bowser's Fury. The tweaks are small overall, and Bowser's Fury isn't going to sate the most hardcore of Mario fans looking for a brand new game, but the package as a whole is magical. If you were one of the many who missed out on this Wii U classic, fix that.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars
An exceptional first release for Nintendo in 2021
GamesBeat - Mike Minotti - 5 / 5 stars
You can play a lot of 3D Mario games on your Switch. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is just as good as any of them. It contains makes the Wii U game feel better than you remember, and the bonus campaign makes the package one of the best ports Nintendo has brought to the Switch.
God is a Geek - Adam Cook - 10 / 10
Despite multiplayer now being online, it still feels superfluous, but otherwise Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury might just be one of those fabled "perfect" games.
Impulsegamer - Chris O'Connor - 5 / 5
Revisit some classic Mario gaming with some added elements to bring it some new life.
Nintendo Life - Chris Scullion - 10 / 10
Super Mario 3D World remains one of the better linear Mario games, and anyone playing it for the first time is in for an absolute treat. Add to that the curious bonus adventure that is Bowser's Fury and you've got a package that provides great value for money. It isn't without its flaws, but most of these (online multiplayer, repetitive missions in Bowser's Fury) relate to the new additions; the main game itself remains as pure and perfect as it was seven years ago. Had it just been Super Mario 3D World on its own, we'd be thoroughly recommending it anyway; Bowser's Fury is just the cherry on top.
VG247 - Alex Donaldson - 5 / 5 stars
Bowser’s Fury is a short experience – it’ll take a competent player a couple of hours to see all it has to offer, and a few hours more to drive it all the way to 100% completion – but it’s completely worthwhile. It has some great surprises, which is why I talk about it in such generalized terms. Bowser’s Fury would’ve made a great download-only, budget-price stand-alone – so as a bonus included with an already excellent game, its value can’t really be overstated.
Atomix - Alberto Desfassiaux - Spanish - 98 / 100
The best way to play on of the greatest Mario's games. Also, Bowser's Fury is an ambitious expansion with a lot of new ideas.
PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson - 9.8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a showcase of the game design mastery which has made Nintendo the best in the business.
Areajugones - David Cruz - Spanish - 9.5 / 10
‎This is one of the best platforms in history, and its expansion is by no means a minor content, since at some times it shines with more personality than the original title. In short, an indispensable pack has played the video game on Wii U or not, and one of the most essential works of your Nintendo Switch.‎
Cerealkillerz - Manuel Barthes - German - 9.5 / 10
Although Super Mario 3D World is only an implementation for Nintendo Switch, it has not lost any of its charm and ingenuity. The loving optimization for the benefit of the gaming experience, as well as the bonus adventure Bowser's Fury, are convincing across the board and promise fun for up to four players. Even some questionable level designs can hardly tarnish the overall picture.
Nintendo Blast - Eduardo Comerlato - Portuguese - 9.5 / 10
Super Mario Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a package that offers two different ways to experience one of the best 3D Mario adventure, making it ideal for the franchise’s 35th anniversary celebration. There is no doubt that the game is a two-way diversion, able to preserve elements of the past and paint majestic novelties around it, as Bowser Jr. does with his paintbrush in the new and fascinating Bowser’s Fury. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 9.5 / 10
Super Mario 3D World is still great, fun and really rich in content. Bowser's Fury adds new layers of gampleay inspired by Sunshine to enjoy.
The Games Machine - Stefano Calzati - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is an explosive pack. 3D World returns with an improved pace, while retaining the stellar gameplay that characterized it when it first launched, and of course being still as hilarious as it was back then. Bowser's Fury takes the lesson a step further, creating a small and dense open world that will put you to the test with a sense of urgency unlike any other Super Mario game. The result, needless to say, is pure, unadulterated joy.
Game Informer - Brian Shea - 9.3 / 10
This package combines tried-and-true gameplay and level design with unique concepts (plus an all-new game) to earn its place among the elite games in the franchise
Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 93 / 100
It´s not one, but two great platformers for Nintendo Switch. One of the greatest Wii U games (with improvement such as online multiplayer and photo mode) and a new Mario 3D game, not as big and ambitious as previous games, but equally fun and full of surprises.
Spaziogames - Valentino Cinefra - Italian - 9.3 / 10
If you love platforming (and cats) this is an absolute gem.
Video Chums - A.J. Maciejewski - 9.2 / 10
Super Mario 3D World is an excellent game so if you still haven't played it or simply want it on Switch, this will make a wonderful addition to your gaming library. Oh, and you also get a fantastic bonus game with Bowser's Fury so how could you go wrong?
Wccftech - Rosh Kelly - 9.1 / 10
Super Mario 3D World shows why Mario is an ageless franchise, with the seven-year-old game providing fresh fun and a delightful experience. Bowser's Fury is the exact opposite, showing just how exciting and experimental the series can be.
Critical Hit - Brad Lang - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D is a great game to play solo or with friends and shows off some of Nintendo's best level design yet, while Bowser's Fury is an inventive take on the Mario formula that's more generous with its content than it ought to be. Both games make for a fantastic bundle and should be checked out by fans and non-fans alike.
Forbes - Ollie Barder - 9 / 10
Overall, this is a fantastic collection of Super Mario games. From the focused and demanding Super Mario 3D World to the more experimental, though still very well executed, open world take for Bowser’s Fury. Both games have a lot to offer and will keep you very busy unlocking their innermost secrets.
GAMES.CH - Benjamin Braun - German - 90 / 100
Bowser's Fury is much more than just a bonus . Despite it is relatively short, it still feels like a fully fleshed Mario jump and run. Packed with the great main game including the long missed online co-op mode Super Mario 3D World + Bowers's Fury is a must have for every Switch user.
GameMAG - Александр Копанев - Russian - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury for Nintendo Switch effectively handles two important tasks: introducing new players to the classic game that came from the Wii U, as well as pleasing hungry fans with new great content. Definitely a must-play for all Super Mario fans!
GamePro - Tobias Veltin - German - 90 / 100
Super Mario 3D World is still a real fun package with no signs of ageing, which is made even more rewarding by Bowser's Fury.
GameSpew - Kim Snaith - 9 / 10
Aside from some repetition between the two titles, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a joy from start to finish.
GameSpot - Steve Watts - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury packages one of the best recent Mario games with a delightfully odd new experience.
Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 9 / 10
Thans to its many clever tweaks, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury give the player many reasons to enjoy a great 3D platformer, now a little bit faster, and with friends around the globe online. Let's not forget Bowser's Fury, a tiny open world adventure which rightfully mixes gameplays from the Wii U and Switch episodes, and delivers a strong experience with a twist.
GamesRadar+ - Sam Loveridge - 4.5 / 5 stars
Quirky, creative, and constant good fun, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury blends Mario gameplay old and new with great success, creating a title that feels worthy of his 35th birthday celebrations.
Geeks & Com - Anthony Gravel - French - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury offers much more than your regular Switch port with a brand new adventure that packs between 5 and 8 hours of great new original content. I loved my time spent in this new open world of Bowser's Fury and going through 3D World a second time sure was a blast. Hopefully, this new package gives the game the second life that it truly deserves.
IGN Italy - Mattia Ravanelli - Italian - 9 / 10
Simple and immediate, beautiful to see and fun even in multiplayer, Super Mario 3D World is the "what if" of the history of Super Mario. But with obvious limitations compared to Super Mario Odyssey and the other chapters in 3D. Bowser's Fury tries to beat new paths, without avoiding a few slips.
Metro GameCentral - 9 / 10
One of the best modern Super Mario titles is made that little bit better and accompanied by a brand-new game that bends the formula in new and exciting ways.
NintendoWorldReport - Neal Ronaghan - 9 / 10
If you've never played 3D World before or haven't touched it since the Wii U days, this is well worth the price of admission. Prospects get a little tougher if you're not interested in going through 3D World, because while Bowser's Fury is amazing, it's still approximately less than 10 hours of gameplay even if you do everything. But no matter what: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury might be one of the strongest Mario games available on Switch. The base game is fun and varied, while Bowser's Fury offers a distinctive, inventive, and superb open-world 3D Mario experience.
PCMag - Jordan Minor - 4.5 / 5 stars
Super Mario 3D World is an incredible and underplayed Wii U adventure that's now available on Switch. But Bowser’s Fury steals the show with its exciting and fresh take on a 3D Mario game.
Press Start - Shannon Grixti - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a fantastic package that showcases what makes Nintendo games so special. Super Mario 3D World is just as good as when it released, and Bower's Fury is a surprisingly good standalone adventure that paves the way for the future of Mario.
Screen Rant - Riley Little - 4.5 / 5 stars
Bowser's Fury adds so much to the Wii U port.
Stevivor - Ben Salter - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a delightful double act. Super Mario 3D World holds up well, and offers a unique multiplayer experience that works particularly well on Switch. Its opening worlds are designed to cater for that varied audience, while the second half injects some much needed difficulty and is best played solo. Bowser’s Fury is experimental in nature, and offers something completely different with a fully open world housing plenty of Shines to collect at a rapid pace. While neither quite reaches the dizzying heights of Super Mario Galaxy or Odyssey, it is a double dose of Mario doing things differently, and a fitting finale to Super Mario’s 35th anniversary.
The Digital Fix - Stephen Hudson - 9 / 10
Near-perfect platforming, gorgeous visuals and a joy-filled soundtrack make Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury one of the best Mario titles of all time, and an essential purchase for all Switch owners.
TheGamer - Dave Aubrey - 4.5 / 5 stars
Ultimately, Super Mario 3D World, in this package, is the best that game has ever been, with the increased speed and ease of multiplayer access making it far more enticing than ever before. Bowser’s Fury, meanwhile, is essentially the Super Mario Odyssey DLC that never was. It feels like Odyssey’s level and game design sensibilities, but placed in the Super Mario 3D World game engine, with all of the power-ups and quirks that game has to make something truly unique. Putting both of these games in one package is the best decision that Nintendo has made in a long while, as Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is one of the best Mario offerings available on Nintendo Switch, which is lofty praise given the existence of Super Mario Maker 2. Now it just needs the option to play again, but as Luigi.
TheSixthAxis - Jason Coles - 9 / 10
I can't really recommend Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury enough. Whether you've played the original game before or not, the addition of online multiplayer is a big win, while Bowser's Fury is a testament to just how pure a Mario game can be while still feeling fresh and exciting. Put simply; this is an essential game for Mario fans.
TrustedReviews - Jade King - 4.5 / 5 stars
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is both a welcome return for a platforming classic and a novel expansion of what made the game so special back on the Wii U. There's a solid chance that millions of players missed out on its excellence back in 2013, so now is the perfect time to take it for a spin.
Twinfinite - Chris Jecks - 4.5 / 5
The real star of the show, however, was Bowser’s Fury, which innovates on the foundations laid by previous 3D titles, to provide some of the most enjoyable, open-world platforming I’ve had the pleasure of playing. This is a must-buy for Switch owners and Mario fans alike and is sure to tide you over the next couple of months. - Marco Mottura - Italian - 8.8 / 10
As the title itself indicates, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury proves to be more than just the re-proposal in Nintendo Switch sauce of an exclusive Wii U not particularly lucky: the idea of inserting for once a completely new extra is very appreciable, and you find the ideas inside Bowser's Fury are not lacking at all. While the difference in tone and gameplay between the two games is quite right, the overall superiority of Super Mario 3D World over the new adventure is also evident, which ends up being an appendix or little more. The effect is that of a very solid pairing, which once again celebrates the undisputed supremacy of the Great N in the platforming field.
IGN Spain - David Soriano - Spanish - 8.8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World has aged quite well. It is still a very enjoyable adventure, updated in its rhythm and different enough from Super Mario Odyssey for those who came to Switch without going through Wii U to discover it. The big surprise is Bowser's Fury, which transcends the concept of simple DLC and adds mechanics and novelties of epic dimensions.
AusGamers - Kosta Andreadis - 8.6 / 10
It's also as strange as Mario's team-up with a sentient hat that for some reason lets him Being John Malkovich a dinosaur.
COGconnected - James Paley - 80 / 100
These two titles offer distinct, yet familiar, Mario experiences.
Checkpoint Gaming - Tom Quirk - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is an excellent case for why Nintendo should be porting more Wii U games to the Switch. With its improved presentation and the convenience of the Switch, this is definitely the optimal way to play Super Mario 3D World, even without much in the way of new features. Bowser’s Fury is also an excellent open-world Mario mini-adventure, which is probably worth the price of admission on its own. Admittedly, the multiplayer features some camera issues, particularly in Bowser’s Fury. However, that should not stop Mario fans of all ages from checking out Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury, especially if they missed out on this much loved platformer the first time around.
Cubed3 - Az Elias - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World may not have had much added to it aside from an online function that is limited to only saving progress for the host, but it didn't necessarily need much else. Nintendo successfully found a way to evolve the 2D classics without going open world, and the result is one of the most consistently fresh and enjoyable games around, which, despite lacking the challenge of the NES games, has something for just about everyone. The bonus Bowser's Fury solo adventure is an absolute delight with a brilliant core idea that adds a crazy tension to Mario platforming, but it is hard to present a case for purchasing this pack just to play it. Whilst full of great content, it is too short-lived to feel worth the asking price, and really needs a standalone purchase option. When taking both games into account for those that have not played the original Wii U title, though, this is a cracking bundle of Mario goodness that encapsulates what everyone knows and still loves about the moustachioed hero after an enduring thirty-five years.
Daily Mirror - James Ide - 4 / 5 stars
Bowser's Fury offers some great new ideas and is much more than a simple DLC. It's a great Mario game in its own right, with enough to entice those who played 3D World before with a wholly new and compelling experience, as well as offering one of the most epic showdowns in Nintendo history.
Bowser's Fury is a great take on 3D Mario and finally makes Bowser the menacing villain he deserves to be. The game's only flaw is that it left me wishing there was more of it.
EGM - Michael Goroff - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is the Wii U port that Switch owners have been waiting for. Besides the inclusion of online multiplayer, 3D World is the same good game that players already experienced on the Wii U, and fans of the series who missed it the first time around will enjoy its hybridization of 2D and 3D Mario gameplay. But the highlight of the package is Bowser's Fury, a scaled-down but surprisingly robust mini 3D Mario game that actually takes some chances. - Leonidas Mastellos - Greek - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury achieves its goal as a package and not as individual experiences
Guardian - Keza MacDonald - 4 / 5 stars
One of the brightest and cutest Mario games with a novel adventure as a side dish
Telegraph - Tom Hoggins - 4 / 5 stars
This Switch remaster of the Wii U outing for Nintendo's famous plumber comes with online co-op and the strangest Mario adventure yet
LevelUp - Fernando Salinas - Spanish - 7.5 / 10
Glyph brings together the simplest form of platforms and puzzles in one package. It is an entertaining experience that shines for its simplicity. Although it falls short in scope, it fulfills the most important thing: is fun to play.
Washington Post - Jhaan Elker - 75 / 100
Even with the Bowser’s Fury miss, the content is worth it. If you want one of the best and most versatile multiplayer experiences to date for the Nintendo Switch, online or offline, go with Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury.
CGMagazine - Jordan Biordi - 7 / 10
I don’t think Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury annoys me as much as it did on the Wii U, since the Switch already has the best Mario ever made on it; and I do think there is fun to be had with these games, even though I find them to be fairly frustrating. I would still recommend them if you enjoyed the originals, or maybe wanted to play them with younger gamers. Even though I might not go back to it very often, I don’t regret the time spent with it.
IGN - Cam Shea - 7 / 10
Two solid platformers in one; neither of which approaches the franchise's most dizzying heights.
Ars Technica - Kyle Orland - Unscored
Bowser’s Fury works just fine as an added bonus packaged with an under-appreciated platforming gem from the Wii U era. If you’ve never played 3D World before, this is a great chance to catch up on a fresh take on 3D Mario design. If you’re mainly interested in Bowser’s Fury, though, maybe wait until the strong ideas get expanded into a full, standalone game.
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Recommended
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury might include the same game that was on the Wii U but it's also a title that needs to be experienced by everyone who owns a Nintendo Switch.
Eurogamer - Martin Robinson - Recommended
3D World's feast of all things Mario is joined by a fittingly experimental, hugely enjoyable - if slightly scrappy - expansion.
GameXplain - GameXplain - Hated

Video Review - Quote not available

Kotaku - Ian Walker - Unscored
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is essentially the same game on Switch that some of you may have experienced on Wii U. While there’s no denying that the new hardware can’t keep up with the game’s ambitions at times, this bundle is at its core another fantastic Mario experience.
Polygon - Chris Plante - Unscored
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a fantastic double feature
submitted by wekapipol to Games [link] [comments]

Please help me, I've figured out the situation and can't post it on WSB

[I know I said final edit, but I made a final final edit below, and preserved the original post at the bottom. I'm disorganized, sue me.] 2nd-to-FINAL EDIT: Toning down the Rhetoric. We need real data, can this be mathed out? I like that guys idea of a shareholder meeting. GET THESE FUCKS IN JAIL. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.

Let's roleplay, retards. I'll play the billionaire fuckhead who wants to bankrupt Gamestop, because I think it'll be a fun story to jerk off to.

I hatch a brilliant little plan to short them to death. Here's my plan.

I collude with the company who invested in me, who processes my transactions, to make the world think I have 5 Million GME. This happens. I don't know how, but keep going with me.

So now, all I have to do, is NEVER let one of these specific 5 million GME shares out of my account, or the jig is up. They'd be caught as a FAIL TO DELIVER if someone ever got their hands on one. So how do I never sell one of these? Shorting!

But no no guys... not just regular shorting. We... we would short. EVERY. TRANSACTION. EVEN THE ONES THAT LOSE US MONEY. It's more important and valuable to me to pay for a clean share off the market to boomerang back, than it is to release one of my POISON SHARES into the market and get found out. Luckily, I know a clearinghouse that sits in front of all my transactions, and can help with this little bit of intercepting magic.

So, we do this for a while. Hey, wait, a big order came in, there wasn't enough float in the pool to boomerang clean shares, oh shit, we let a couple go. Well, let's wait and see what happens.


Oh, shit. Things are warming up. People think Gamestop might really come back. If there's a lot of trading, they might've found out about my 5 million FAKE POISON shares, when the clearinghouse comes to deduct it from my account.

Oh, shit. It happened. A lot. Look at those fail to delivers. They're everywhere on $GME, and only on GME.

The jig is up.

I don't want to get caught, so I hit my "omfg algorithm" button, that will liquidate and put any asset in my entire portfolio in front of those buy orders for GME. I know, the redditors are idiots, so I'll HEDGE THIS POSITION with another profitable meme position.... like AMC.


Final final Edit/addendum [lol i know, i'm unorganized, shutup] 2/5/21 3:51pm EST: I am still here, I am still convinced, and I am still advocating. I however will not be posting here anymore. I am preserving it via an internet archive screenshot, and logging off for good.
The amount of ACTIVE disinformation is a data point. Look at the seemingly unrelated geopolitical panic boilling over among the rich and well connected specifically. Look at the people who have been victimized by this behavior in the past, finding their courage to speak up. Most of all, look at the data. Keep your head in the math and data. Create mathematical models of your own to represent the forces that YOU KNOW are in play, and come to your own conclusions.

I spent the past 2 days kind of sweating a lot, and freaking out. Am I gonna die? They gonna put a hit out me? Am I in danger?

NO. These are lazy fucking idiots. These guys' wives boyfreinds don't even wash their own fucking car.

You don't have anything to fear. Their crimes are in the open, in daylight, with data. They committed them so nakedly, so lazily, so sloppily.... The data PROVING this has been in the open for what, like weeks? months? Think of the MILLION other securities they could have done this to instead of pushing that gamestop threshhold over 100%. These are just LAZY ENTITLED FUCKING CUNTS. They are willing to risk SYSTEMIC FINANCIAL SYSTEM COLLAPSE because they got too lazy to fucking copy paste their strategy on a new thing.

And you know what I am? I am lazy too. And we're all sitting at home, being lazy, and we're gonna take your ILLEGALLY GOTTEN LAZY GAINS and put them to true good use.

Cool, right?


They are now actively ponzi scheming. You can again, see it in the trends. Its hydraulic flow of capital, across securities, to protect their one, poisoned, fake stance. This is MASSIVELY ILLEGAL to cover with borrowed. I didnt know what the fuck a ponzi scheme even WAS until I started trying to find a way to explain my stupid fucking waterfall analogy.

Do you know why % held by institutions was above 100% for way too fucking explainably long? Those were the fake shares that citadel and melvin colluded to make. Melvin as a short seller, wouldnt look suspicious if the "institutional % held" by them was high.

Do you know why % of float went down, that wierd S3 data anomaly? They started selling. Their. Fake. Shares.

Do you know why we see lots of fail to delivers occurring? Those are those fake shares showing up in the drains.

It's been a ponzi scheme all along. Just, it was being held WITHIN the single GME security. But, on thursday, they got caught. The financial world was either sleeping on it, or in on it, and wasnt prepared for them to get caught. Either way really doesn't matter right now, as the result was: RAISE THE MARGINS. LET THEM DIE. ...... oh also we mightve just fucked a bunch of smaller brokers.... like, a lot of them, by essentially making them have to have 10x more operating capital than they do..... well.... whatever, everyone sees the writing on the wall. If they believe, they'll raise some more capital. Please correlate this with the actual facts surrounding robinhood, 212, etc halt of trading. They DID fuck up too with their reaction, I am not excusing them. But look at the actual events.

So they were caught. Nothing to do now, but to sell their fake shares. They've been doubling down on shorts this whole time since probably $20, all the while leaking faked shares into the pool. We all hold fake shares. There's no way of knowing anymore. The well is poisoned.

We need to force a shareholder vote now, to get a tally. We need to force the SEC to do their goddamn jobs and fast, go freeze these criminals assets COMPLETELY, NOT THE GME SECURITY ALONE, because they are GETTING AWAY WITH IT via a naked ponzi scheme.

The bomb is no longer contained within GME. They detonated their bomb on thursday, when they got CAUGHT, and decided that its jail no matter what, so they clicked the algorithm named "PONZI SCHEME" and fucking started making calls to drum up disinfo. Do you understand the criminal motive, of a 100% defeated foe (fake shares revealed), to do another criminal self preserving move (ponzi)?

Up until Thursday they were using legal mechanisms to push back from being found out. When they got caught, they switched to illegal ponzi mechanisms. I'm a fucking ape and I can understand this criminal motive.
When the ponzi algorithm runs out, you are left with a stock GME that has a market cap representing $0 of melvins dollars, and a market cap of whatever other securities they are funneling their money into, representing $all of melvins dollars. Do you notice how, if melvin also held some sort of position in those other companies, melvin still has his dollars? And do you notice how there are exactly $0 of melvins money to squeeze out of GME when the correction actually occurs? P O N Z I
THEY WILL WIN, unless the REGULATORS COME AND DO THEIR GODDAMN JOB. And remember, the villians here have already released the poison into the well. It's gonna be very very very VERY hard to unpoison this shit. Do the regulators just say that, hey, that amount of lead in your drinking water is fine now?

Let's see whose side they are really on.

I've forwarded it to a diverse range of tiplines and media outlets. I am not enough. One retards voice will never be heard. Apes strong together. APES STRONG TOGETHER.

Only the light of day will reveal all these SQUIRMING, MISINFORMING, MONSTERS hiding in our system. The data is there. Only those who DO NOT WANT TO SEE IT, are not seeing it. They are the paper handed bitches, who are barking as loud as they can BECAUSE THEIR JAW IS MADE OF STYROFOAM AND FAKE SHARES.

You and I are all 2am_spaghetti, because 2am_spaghetti is just some fucking nerd who knows how to game systems (IN VIDEO GAMES) and can see some fucking patterns in this system. These monsters are game theorying real life, and they just lost. But rather than pay the cost, they are literally trying to hit reset by doing a manuever that has historically nuked the entire system, counting that the lay person doesn't know enough. Because it worked in '08. And who knows how many other times.
Make your own judgement, apes.

Original post below.

please help me, I'm resorting to just sending people reddit DMs, I am 110% certain of this, you can call me the time traveler
Their stoploss algorithm is modeled after HYDRAULICS across their whole portfolio. The squeeze has a pressure relief valve, and this is it. Edit: maybe a better explanation? ::
Imagine using your car jack while the handle is twisted open. No pressure, fluid is just movin around. Even in this state, sometimes if you pump it fast enough you can see little jumps of life. The real solution though, is to Tighten it up, now we have a pressurized system.
Visualize their algorithm as a cascading waterfall, pouring portfolio-wide capital to the very bottom until there is literally nothing left and in which case it EXPLODES. We hit that thursday with those reports of 5k bids being filled right before everything shut down. But in this waterfall, the only stock they HAVE to defend is GME. They already are out of water, but theyve erected an insanely big waterfall that hides where they are out of water up top, and fills it in by the time its time to fulfill at the bottom buy. The hole has ALWAYS been there the moment they overshorted, and it remains. Its why they didnt bail at 20, or 80, or 115. THEY CAN'T AS LONG AS THOSE NAKED SHORT VOLUME > FLOAT. This was the math all along.
This also explains the Fail to delivers on GME, the clearinghouses are finding the fake shares in the drains while Melvin tries to chlorine this pool.
TLDR: The mathematical strategy of the situation is to reduce the blue area's leverage (multiplicative), and grow the maximum red force (additive).

We have to reduce blue to win, or come up with an incredible amount of red, quickly. If we don't, all of yellows dollars will flow to the other meme stocks / negatively correlated stocks and THERE WILL BE LESS TENDIES == LESS TOP END OF SQUEEZE. IN FACT, GME TENDIES ARE BASICALLY BEING GIVEN TO THE OTHER STOCKS, IN AN EFFORT TO MAKE COSTS LOW, SO THE COST OF COVERING THOSE FAIL TO DELIVERS IS MANAGEABLE.
This theory connects the dots.
Please if you have an in with wsb mods etc, forward them this to read. Ive been trying via modmail, posts, everything. Anyone with a platform needs to know this. Since all the memes are booming like an ETF, the profits on the others are being just siphoned into GME which holds their ultimate loss - the naked shorts that we KNOW they have on GME.
EDIT2: omg melvin is so sinister. They knew redditors would bandwagon. They are using our own UNFOCUSED HYPE against us to prop up GME. PLEASE HELP ME BE A MEGAPHONE, WE HAVE TO GET THE WORD OUT.
EDIT: 💎💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
submitted by 2am_spaghetti to GME [link] [comments]

AMC Army DD - let's go get popcorns. Save the screen. Why won't it let me post my DD? dafuq?

Why buy AMC?

1.) COVID vaccine rollout has started, and we will be able to attend movies soon. The Biden Administration (sorry for getting political, just pls keep reading) has an ambitious plan (100 million vaccines in 100 days or whatever the fuck) and this pandemic is almost over. I’d give it until the end of the year.
2.) Most AMC theatres are open or they are planning to open soon with social distancing and mask measures in place. They will shut down the food services and concessions, but they are coming back.
3.) Consumers have a sentimental connection to movies. They will come back. People are starved for the outside world and will come out in massive hordes to watch movies. People will go out and see movies, take their kids, go on dates, etc. Nothing can replicate the experience of a giant screen and surround audio.
4.) This major influx of blue balled movie goers will cause a major boost in 2021. Then we will see a continuation of the year over year growth we have been seeing since 2012.
5.) The AMC business model is working. The revenue has steadily increased since 2012 year over year. In 2012, they made $811 million. In 2019, they made $5.47 billion. There has been a steady rise. THEY ARE NOT IN DECLINE.
6.) I understand they have many loans, but it is something that can be paid off in a few years with the help of their parent company, Wanda Entertainment, and increased profits in 2021.
7.) They will not go bankrupt. WANDA entertainment, a Chinese company owns the plurality share (20%) and will bail them out if it is necessary. They bought for $2.6 billion in 2012, and have seen a ROI, scoring $2.7 billion in 2013, the year immediately after their purchase. AMC is too good of an asset for Wanda to lose them. Also, AMC can take advantage of new stimulus and other government assistance programs.
8.) It’s extremely cheap right now because everybody is shorting, and there’s a pandemic. Corona is only temporary. Everybody thought GameStop was going to go under, until we showed them. Remember that.
9.) If there is interest or heightened trading in the stock, AMC can dilute shares and sell them to help finance operations and pay debt, using stock sales as leverage. AMC just did this today, and they can do it again if needed.
10.) AMC will not go bankrupt, not only because of the potential Wanda bailout, but they also raised $917 million today. They have enough runway to stay operational the end of the year. "Bankruptcy is off the table for now." (We should be able to return to theatres by then.) A slight majority of this new liquidity comes from issuing new shares, as described in 9. They are also planning to do debt/equity swaps, so those who take out debt can hold shares in the company, and AMC won't get fucked over by high loan payments.
11.) AMC is about 70% shorted, there is much potential to cause a squeeze. However, there are still many more reasons to invest in AMC beyond a simple short squeeze.
12.) AMC does very well when it is not pandemic. $5.4 billion in revenue last year, and there will be many movies, as well as many moviegoers that come out after the pandemic. Especially with major franchise movies, which have been delayed. They have also reached a deal with Universal, which allows Universal to do home releases earlier, but stipulates they must be in theatres for 17 days before that.
13.) AMC is only $12 a share right now... Even if it loses, you’re only going to lose a bit. Meanwhile, the ceiling is high, and there is much potential. If you want in, do it now while it's cheap. People keep talking about how dumb it is to buy during the pandemic, but this is the point of largest potential. Don't wait for the recovery to buy.
14.) AMC used to trade at $10 before the pandemic. Let’s keep it at its former glory. AMC deserved a $1bn market cap and they got one. They will probably hit $20 tomorrow (predicting $25 by Feb1, peak in summer with COVID all done.).
15.) Even though the Net income is negative and they lose money, it consistently stays in the hundred thousands range, and it does not lose that much. Any autist on here from GME could pay the difference. AMC has also increased gross profits year over year, from 2,004,200 in 2016, to 3,493,200.
(The rest of these bullet points are just jokes, so feel free to skip if you want.)
16.) Without AMC there’s no place to spend my AMC points, and there better be a place for me to spend those points because I invested my entire life savings into those damn AMC stubs.
17.) Going to the movies was my childhood. We must save my childhood. DO NOT LET AMC DIE. Save AMC.
18.) You can take ur wife and her bf to the movies when this is over.
19.) The AMC food court literally sells tendies. (But we should call AMC tendies popcorns instead.)
20.) STONCCS only go up.
21.) you guys are all retard who cannot think for themselves and will do whatever is echoed in this fucking internet cave.
TL;DR : AMC has done a great job with fundraising and can survive until the end of the year. Vaccine rollout has started, and recovery is coming soon. People are due to return to movies. About 70% of shares are shorted, so we can potentially trigger a squeeze.

Pandemic recovery & squeeze combo.

Buy AMC. Or don’t. Your choice.
If you’re with us, let's save the movies. I hope you like popcorn. Get on the rocket, because you're going to the moon.
If you don’t, then bye bye, I wish you the best.
"The sun is shining on AMC." - Adam Aron
Sources Cited:
Portfolio disclosure: I own 200 shares of AMC long currently.
The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice. Invest at your own risk, and understand that you may lose money. These are just my thoughts, make your own decisions, and do your own research.
EDIT: the autobot seriously out here banning me for talking AMC smh. It was fucking worth it.Well, if i can't comment, I will let you know that I am with you AMC army retards with my upvotes and awards.


EDIT 3: for the retards buying calls, BUY SHARES, not calls.

EDIT 4: for those of you who can't understand English, what i'm trying to say is



EDIT 5: ONCE AGAIN, BUY SHARES NOT CALLS. NOT DIFFICULT. also i've realized that most of you are buying because i said "short squeeze one time". this isn't over, this is going far beyond the squeeze. diamond hands until COVID ends.


EDIT 7: DONT BE A PAPERHANDS BITCH! GO BUY THE DIP! You’ll need some dip for your tendies, there are no stops on the way to the moon. (You’ll have to piss in a bucket)

EDIT 8: updated price targets on AMC, updated portfolio disclosure, and now a reason 21.

EDIT 9: there will not be a dip. Go buy it now to fuel the rocket. It’s not too late. If there is a dip, take advantage to expand your holding in AMC

EDIT 10: (because I’m a greedy bitch): if you feel like supporting me, you can either

1.) buy amc shares.


2.) make a direct donation to me. My crypto wallet is:

0x86c4e867c9E5b72872a505d2ae1F24312E3b73c8 You can send me any coins, but EtheEtheruem (ETH) is preferred.

EDIT 11: i have a twitter now.


EDIT 13: making price adjustments to keep this relevant.

EDIT 14: keeping it relevant

EDIT 15: reminder: it’s buy o clock. You best not sell. HOLD THE LINE. We’re heading to the moon, no matter what these robberhood shittertons or hedge funds say. We fell because we were locked out of purchasing. We will return to normal. DONT SURRENDER NOW. HOLD THE LINE. HOLD THE STONK.

submitted by my-time-has-odor to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Are your Boomer parents as baffled by your $GME gains as mine are? Feel free to use my G-rated, very basic explanation of what the fuck is going on!

So to start, you need to know what "shorting" a stock is. When someone thinks a stock is going to go down or a company will go bankrupt, they can borrow shares from their broker to open a "short" position. They then sell the shares immediately at the current market price. They have a specified amount of time to return the borrowed shares to the brokerage.
If the stock does go down, the investor buys that number of shares at the now lower current market price, and then returns them to the broker. He/she keeps the difference.
If the stock goes up, they have to "cover" their position. They can "buy-to-close" whenever they want, but many of them will wait for a very long time because they are large firms who have a lot of money and leeway with their brokerage. However, if a stock keeps going up and up, the brokerages can call the investor and demand the shares back to hedge their losses. This forced buying drives the price up even more, which then causes other brokerages to make the same phone call to their clients, and so on and so forth. This is called a "short squeeze".
GameStop is a declining brick-and-mortar video game retailer. Their management has not adapted to the digital world where many video games are downloaded instead of on discs. They have been making some moves in the right direction, such as closing underperforming stores and paying down some debt, but they need to reinvent themselves to succeed. Many large investors/firms have seen this coming and took out short positions a few years ago. The stock kept going down so the brokerages and banks hadn't called yet. GME is the most-heavily shorted stock on the market. More shares are shorted than are in circulation. It's called "naked short selling", it's complicated, and some of it is probably illegal but the SEC looks away.
Ryan Cohen founded when he was 25 and sold it six or so years later for $3.5 billion. Last August, he purchased 9% of GME's shares. When it was disclosed in the SEC filings, the stock went up 22% in a day (which is a LOT in normal circumstances). The thought being that he was going to attempt to take over the company. There was a lot of speculation online. In late November he wrote a strongly-worded letter to the Board of Directors.
Shortly before Christmas, he disclosed that he had bought more shares and now owns 12.9% of the company. He bought the new shares at $16ish, after buying the first batch around $4. When someone owns 10% or more of a company, there are heavy limitations on how much they can sell at one time, in a given period, and they have to disclose everything.
This signaled that he wasn't in it for a quick buck and he probably really was going to try to take over and modernize the entire company. Gamestop has something like 55 million members in their club/newsletter thing, and that data can be used to make a lot of money through targeted advertising and such. There have also been confirmed rumors that the company will be making a serious run at the fast-growing PC gaming market (many serious gamers build their own computers). Video game competitions are also very popular and can be capitalized on. The stock continued to slowly climb, with some sell-offs and such along the way. It was not for the faint of heart.
Fast-forward to January 10th, when it was announced that Cohen and two of his board members from Chewy were officially appointed to the GameStop Board. It was really looking like the theories from last fall were correct. The news sent the stock soaring and the investors who had short positions were in big trouble. Some of them started covering their debt, but many didn't and still haven't. The ones that did have incurred losses in the collective billions, and there are many more billions still out there that will be lost by short investors.
For the past two weeks, the pro-GameStop investors have shown great interest in the potential turnaround story of a store that plays a big role in their childhood memories. With the presence of Cohen and his buddies from Chewy, an e-commerce giant, small investors can see that GameStop is now undervalued to those who believe in the new Board members.
The stock has been incredibly volatile as the large investment firms try to drive the price down. One way they can do this by opening massive new short positions (AKA selling large chunks of shares all at once) as other shorts return their borrowed shares to the pool. This can be seen many times along the daily charts of GME, in nearly vertical declines. Knowing the potential of both Cohen and the short squeeze, small investors have been buying up all the dips. If the shares are being held, and not sold, they are unavailable to be returned to brokerages. This drives the price up even MORE as the short investors scramble to buy whatever shares are available to fill their debt before the price continues to rise. Eventually someone is left holding the shares purchased at the highest possible price, but in this once-in-a-lifetime case, it probably won't be someone with a net worth under $100 million.

Position: Go fuck yourself, shorts
submitted by GeneEnvironmental925 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Oh ok! I’ll move the truck mom.

I am a 22F. I live with my parents but I’m moving out in a couple weeks, so my mother and I have been bumping heads a lot. The biggest thing we fight about is my clothes and my sleep.
Recently, it’s been more about my sleep than anything else. I go into work at 2pm everyday at my full time job, so I’m there relatively late. When I get home I like to decompress, play video games, watch tv, workout, and make something light to eat. I don’t always do all of these things in the same day but what I’m getting at is I stay up late. I get off around 11, home by 11:15, and I won’t go to sleep until around 3/4 morning. The latest being 4 if I’m with my boyfriend.
She wakes me up EVERYDAY from between 6am-9am. But it’s never just once, she’ll do it 2-4 times in the morning until I can’t go back to sleep and I’m pissed. She doesn’t even wake me up for important shit. It’s either to bitch at me or make me do something for her. I’ve asked her time and time again to stop waking me up. “I have a hard time going back to sleep. Could you please just let me sleep until 11am and when I’m up I’ll do what you need me to do?” but she never listens.
Well, currently, she’s been having work done on her house. The workers are in their final stages so they’re just painting the house. Well, once again she woke me up at 7:30am today by barging into my room to move her truck because the workers are here. I groan, get up, and throw on a nightgown she doesn’t like. We’ve had several fights about this nightgown because it’s short. Even though it’s long enough to cover everything it needs too.
I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about changing but instead I smirked and thought to myself,”If you can’t respect my boundaries, why am I going to respect yours?” I keep the nightgown on. I walk out of my room, move the truck, and go back inside. As soon as she sees me while i’m walking back to my room she starts S C R E A M I N G.
“CATWANGUTERUS YOU WENT OUTSIDE LIKE THAT? YOU’RE BASICALLY NAKED. WHY DO YOU HATE ME?” shes standing in front of me trying to block my way from going to my room. I duck underneath her arms and ignore her. My mother starts following me while yelling about me living with her and my father so I can’t be dressing like whore around their house. Especially when my father and working men are around.
I get into my room, close the door, and take off the nightgown so I’m butt ass naked about to lay back down and she swings my door open still trying to argue with me. “I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD EMBARRASS ME LIKE THAT. PUT ON SOME FUCKING CLOTHES. WE’RE TALKING.” I laugh in her face and close the door on her. She attempts to REOPEN THE DOOR so I grab the handle. (I’m not allowed locks on my door.)
“Dude, no. I’m naked. We’re not even talking. You’re just yelling. The truck is moved. Please, leave me alone.” She starts sobbing about how everyone is soooooooo mean to her. She hates her life and stomps off to call my dad to complain about me.
2.) “Well you can’t hate it that bad if you live there still since you’ve been over the age of 18 for four years!” Oh my god. I moved out when I was 19. My ex boyfriend was beating the shit out of me. The abusive relationship I was in fucked up a lot of things including my finances. I was 20 about to turn 21 lost and fucking confused. My parents let me move back in. I’ve been saving for a car of my own which my abusive ex ruined, to get my credit up so i can get a car loan, and to save up money so I can put a down payment on a car and also all the extra fees apartments charge when you get approved to move in. I haven’t just been sitting on my ass living with my parents. I’ve been getting my shit together and it’s taken time because I fucked up. I ruined my life because of a bad relationship I was in.
3.) “Youre obviously not grateful for your mother.” I LOVE my mom to death, but she can be toxic and abusive and manipulative. I didn’t leave one toxic relationship just to hop back into another one. I deserve respect and privacy. The very minimum. I love my mom but I’m allowed to vent. None of you know anything about me.
submitted by catwanguterus to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

🐦 Hey CD Projekt Red, I think you shipped the wrong config on PC. Here's a guide that shows you how to "unlock" Cyberpunk for possibly massive performance improvements.

Update regarding the 1.05 patchnotes saying this file appearantly does nothing:
Hey all, I had no intention to jebait anybody in any way. I even asked two friends to try this fix before posting it, because it seemed unreal to me a file like this could change ANYTHING. After they confirmed this, I went to post it on reddit and people's responses were huge. I expected this to ONLY maybe help in niche-cases. Only after hundreds of people allegedly confirming that it made noticable diffferences, stability being the most common, reflecting purposefully increased memory pools, I started to collect data and tried to draw a better picture since some characteristics seemed very distinct (for example new Ryzens seeming to be totally unaffected). Maybe I got hit with placebo, but how the hell is it possible thousands of people appearantly did too? This bugs me quite a bit. If I really spread misinformation, I am sincerely apologizing. Obviously it's hard to argue with patchnotes most likely backed by developers or a member of QA, but for me my personal changes were far beyond any deviation that would fall in within placebo limits. (Yes, I am very aware that a game restart can fix a common memory leak issue or can get the game the chance to reorder itself, therefore giving you a few perceived temporary extra fps gains) I am still positive my game ran way more stable (even on higher settings and better resolution) and it recovered a lot better from fps drops. A prominent point were definite improvements in load times. I am not trying to pull something out of thin air for the sake of defending myself, I am being honest.
To the people calling me out for allegedly farming awards or having ill intentions: If there is any way I can refund the awards, for example via staff, I will do so asap. If I can refund Platinum / Gold 1:1 I will immediately do that if I am asked for a refund. I have zero interest in keeping any undeserved rewards. The one person who actually has donated me 4.69$ via PayPal has already been promptly refunded after reading the 1.05 patchnotes.
I only had good intentions, sharing around what I found to get back feedback on, waiting for people to either tell me this is only in my head and that I am a muppet or responses confirming my assumptions. And I got a lot more from the later.
I would appreciate it if a CDPR dev can reach out to me personally so I have first hand confirmation, but It's definitely hard to argue with an official set of patchnotes claiming this file does nothing.
Again, sincere apologies if I indeed sold you the biggest snake oil barrel in 2020 on accident. It's just hard to grasp for me atm that this thread has tons of posts backing up my assumptions while an official statement states the complete opposite.
>> I have created an updated all-in-one video guide, scroll to 'What we've learned' for it.

Pre-Story 🐒

Hi, I played Cyberpunk for 14 hours now and was quite bummed from the start.
I have the following rig:
My rig is normally a monster trusty chap when it comes to performance, I can play the most recent titles on 1440p high on at LEAST 60 fps.

I was shocked that I was only averaging 30 - 50fps (lowest settings possible,1080p, 70fov, no extra jazz) at best depending on the amount of objects I was looking at. For someone that is used to play at 1440p @ 144hz, this was heart-wrenchingly bad performance and half an agony to play. So I took a look at CyberPunk in Process Lasso and noticed that both my CPU and GPU always lounge around at 40 - 60% and that my GPU consumed a humble 100 Watts. Something felt horribly off. It makes ZERO sense that my cpu & gpu barely do anything but at the same time my performance is horse shit.
I was looking on advice on /pcmasterrace, people with similar or worse rigs than mine were shocked how I was basically at the bottom's barrel bottom of the barrel, while they had no issues to play at 1080p @ high or 1440p @ medium. What the heck is going on?

Guide 💡

Since I am a C# developer and very comfortable around configuration files, I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a look at the configuration files. And found something that I didn't believe.

Please take a look at the above picture. This picture shows the configuration columns for each platform. PC, Durango, Orbis. (Durango & Orbis is what XBox & PlayStation run on).
Now take a look at PoolCPU and PoolGPU. These values are the same as the other platforms. This looks off. So I decided to give it a try and just screw around with this config. So based off my rig I assigned some values that made a little more sense to me.

I assigned 16GB (of RAM I guess) to my CPU and 11GB of my GPU's VRAM.
And howdy cowboy, my i7 finally woke the fuck up and started kicking in second gear, now working at 85 - 95% CPU usage. My 1080Ti also now uses 230 Watts on avg instead of a sad 100W.

Booted the game and et voila, I am now rocking a solid 60+ fps on:

My loading times have gone down from 20 seconds to 2.

I can't put the emotion in words how I felt when I discovered this. It was something between disbelief, immense joy and confusion.
I can confirm GOG patch 1.04 and Steam patch 1.04 have this borked configuration file.
If you need guidance on what to assign in your config:

A fair bit of warning 💀

If anybody is more familiar with the configuration I am touching, please let me know and I will adjust it. I am merely showing this around because it looks like a promising starting point for many who have weird performance issues.

If this helped you, please let us know with a short comment how much your FPS and joystick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) went up.

Update: What we've learned.

Since this is starting to make bigger waves I decided to create a video compiling a lot of key points of this thread of all sorts. I made a 16 minute long video that should be a one-for-all guide catering all types of users.
>> All-In-One Video Guide <<
If you prefer to go through this in a written version, the agenda i go off on in the video can be found below in prosa.
Timestamps for the video:
General Info: 0:00
Additional Fixes & Troubleshooting: 3:57
Calculating your Values: 6:58
Finding the file: 9:50
Explanations about the File: 10:30
Actually configuring it: 11:58
Zero Config & Theory Crafting: 14:28
Written Version:
TLDR Possible Benefits * strong fps gains (up to 50%) * better stability, less jitter * better load times Condensation * newer processors seem to be already fed correctly, ryzens mostly * older processors seem to benefit a lot more from this, especially the 4th gen i7 / i5 (4790K) * scroll the thread. try to Ctrl + F your proc / gpu, a lot of kind people post references * deleting the file or entering critically low / impossible values will most likely resolved by the engine initializing with defaults * safe tryout can be the 'zero' config * its not placebo, its just possible the changes are very minimal for your setup Troubleshooting / Additional Fixes * VS Code is light & should replace notepad on windows. Treat yourself to a good editor. * running 'Cyberpunk 2077.exe' as admin can help sometimes * make sure to run the latest nvidia drivers. * pay attention to formatting in the csv * yamashi's (mentioned by u/SplunkMonkey) * u/-home 's AMD Hex Edit (mentioned by u/Apneal) * if your pc starts to behave strange, lower the Pools, try zero config How To Calculate Values? * Task Manager / Performance * for GPU-Z * Amount of RAM / 2 & leave atleast 4GB for windows Examples: 64GB RAM = 32GB 32GB RAM = 16GB - 24GB 16GB RAM = 8GB - 12GB 8GB RAM = 4GB Folder Locations
X:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config
Y:\...\GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config
Epic Games
Z:\...\Epic Games\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config

My personal memory_pool_budgets.csv
;;; ; ^[1-9][0-9]*(B|KB|MB|GB) - Pool budget ; -1 - Pool does not exist on the current platform ; 0 - Budget will be computed dynamically at runtime ; PC ; Durango ; Orbis PoolRoot ; ; ; PoolCPU ; 16GB ; 1536MB ; 1536MB PoolGPU ; 10GB ; 3GB ; 3GB PoolFlexible ; -1 ; -1 ; 0 PoolDefault ; 1KB ; 1KB ; 1KB PoolLegacyOperator ; 1MB ; 1MB ; 1MB PoolFrame ; 32MB ; 32MB ; 32MB PoolDoubleBufferedFrame ; 32MB ; 32MB ; 32MB PoolEngine ; 432MB ; 432MB ; 432MB PoolRefCount ; 16MB ; 16MB ; 16MB PoolDebug ; 512MB ; 512MB ; 512MB PoolBacked ; 512MB ; 512MB ; 512MB
I have been asked by a very small amount of people if there's another way they can send a little something my way besides reddit, so here's my business paypal: Paypal Link removed since 1.05 says this file does nothing. The one person who has donated 4.69$ will be refunded immediately. :)
Please feel zero obligation to do so, I greatly appreciate it though if you decide to.
Please consider donating money to the people creating performance mods (yamashi for example), creating a codebase like that takes a LOT of time and sending a digital coffee their way can be a serious motivation booster.
submitted by ThePhoenixRoyal to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

video games you can make money off of video

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